Wednesday 8 January 2014

Jay will be part of a  year-long event themed on 'Stay Where You Are - the Meanings of  Occupation. She will be reading her work entitled 'A Thesaurus of Home' part of the 'Place' event at Aldeburgh, on Saturday February 1st 2014.
In connection with Gareth Evans, and Steven Bode from the Film and Video Umbrella


Her work on the dirty, earthy medieval Welsh poet (and spending a night sleeping on his grave) can be read in “Towards Re-Enchantment” published by Artevents.


A short column by Jay, on depression and nature, is published in the Guardian:


Jay's novel, A Love Letter from a Stray Moon, partly about Frida Kahlo, is published by Little Toller in Spring 2014.

She will be speaking about it on Thursday 13th February at the Festival of Imagination in Birmingham


On March 8th she will be speaking at the Essex Book Festival